Claim Your New Hire Tookit Template!
Download your New Hire Presentation Toolkit!

A 15 Page customizable template to welcome your new hires!
Just fill out the form and it's all yours!
Fill out the form and claim your template!
template New Hire

"I would like to give Ulliance EAP my highest recommendation for any organization who cares about their employees and wants them to be supported with an array of programs and excellent customer service." CEO
"An employee shared with me that by using the EAP, the Ulliance team was able to help them break the chain of their gambling problem and was now paying their bills on time, saving money and finally getting out of debt!" HR Manager
"Thank you Ulliance Account Services for your follow-up in dealing with a suicidal employee. I thought the process was very professional and responsive. I am glad we are working with you and your team." VP HR